MyAstro STB

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A browser-based TV application for Set Top Boxes, which extends self-service capabilities to the TV platform. This project enables customers to manage their accounts, pay bills, purchase the latest content, and redeem rewards directly from their TV screens.

made at Astro
Solid.jsTailwind CSSAWSNode.jsTypeScript


+ 5


Things I've Learned

  • Built projects using only vanilla JavaScript, avoiding libraries to ensure optimal performance on devices with limited memory and processing power.
  • Designed a custom framework and routing solution to achieve Single Page Application (SPA) performance and behavior.
  • Implemented AWS S3 for hosting files and applications, resulting in significant cost savings.
  • Developed private NPM packages to provide reusable, generic code for all TV applications developed by the team.
  • Transitioned codebase to SolidJS to enhance performance and improve code separation, optimizing development efforts.
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